by Barbara J. Wood

Pony Express to ride during Christmas Along the Corridor
Wilson County News
November 21, 2007
[Christmas Along the Corridor was a celebration of the region's history and heritage.]
November 21, 2007
[Christmas Along the Corridor was a celebration of the region's history and heritage.]
Christmas is quickly approaching, and to celebrate the season, the Alamo Area Council of Governments will sponsor the 19th annual Christmas Along the Corridor festivities, coming to communities across South Texas on Saturday, Dec. 1.
Pony Express riders were certified to ride during the Pony Express Christmas Courier Swearing-In Ceremony held Nov. 17 in downtown San Antonio.
In Floresville, the Pony Express rider is due to arrive at noon Saturday at the Wilson County Courthouse. The chamber of commerce will sponsor activities, including a sidewalk sale, arts and crafts, food booths, and other activities starting at 8 a.m. and continuing throughout the day. Santa Claus will make a special appearance. The event will culminate with the Festival of Lights Parade at 7 p.m. in downtown Floresville, followed by the lighting of the courthouse and square. The Festival of Lights is sponsored by the Floresville Economic Development Corp. and the chamber of commerce.
Christmas Along the Corridor is a celebration of the region's history and heritage. Proclamations will be carried by more than 120 Pony Express Christmas couriers to communities from Goliad to San Antonio, in the seven counties along the historic Alamo-La Bahia Corridor and El Camino Real de Los Tejas. Pony Express riders will visit Floresville, La Vernia, Sutherland Springs, Stockdale, Falls City, Karnes City, Cestohowa, Dewees, Goliad, Panna Maria, and others.
A Pony Express rider delivers the governor's proclamation to County Judge Marvin Quinney and LaJuana Leus during last year's festivities in Floresville.